PixInsight University
Welcome to ‘PixInsight University,’ your go-to source for mastering PixInsight! Our comprehensive tutorial series are designed to help you learn PI’s most effective processes, scripts, and techniques with ease. Whether you’re exploring the foundational ‘PixInsight Today’ section or catching up on the newest features in ‘PixInsight Updates,’ we’ve got you covered! These short, focused tutorials respect your time, providing you with actionable insights to enhance your images. Let’s get started!
Your PixInsight University subscription includes:
PixInsight Today
PixInsight Today’ replaces our earlier ‘PixInsight Foundations’ series. Think of it as a third edition of Warren Keller’s seminal book, Inside PixInsight, reimagined as video tutorials! As its name implies, ‘PixInsight Today’ highlights only PI’s most modern and useful tools, whether native or third-party. While not as in-depth as the old, 3-part ‘Foundations’ series, Warren digs just deep enough into his recommended tools, to guide you through both pre- and post-processing in a chronological, easily digestible way.
PixInsight Updates
With the constant improvements and changes made to PixInsight, ‘PixInsight Updates’ are less formal, off-the-cuff series, with Warren and Ron providing timely updates on the very latest versions of processes, scripts, and techniques.
We've designed this series to mirror a typical processing workflow.
Unlock the full potential of PixInsight with PixInsight University, featuring over 175 videos. This comprehensive series is your ultimate resource for mastering PixInsight, with tutorials that are concise, focused, and actionable. Whether you’re learning specific processes or advanced techniques, PixInsight University offers the guidance you need to elevate your astrophotography.
Subcriptions start at $9.99 Monthly or $99.99 Yearly